BGN 2.74 0 %
Data delayed at least 60 minutes as 2025-01-17

Monbat Group provides a wide range of battery products and solutions for a variety of end-market applications

Public Transportation
Public Transportation
Renewable sources
Renewable sources


Explore our portfolio

The lead acid battery business focuses on the production of lead-acid automotive and stationary batteries and their servicing. The products in this segment can be divided into the following main groups:

  • starter batteries
  • stationary batteries
  • deep cycle batteries
  • special batteries
  • locomotives batteries
  • leisure batteries


RECYCLING contacts

The division operates in recycling and trading activities of

  • lead acid scrap batteries
  • lead alloys
  • polyethylene and polypropylene materials

Recycling facilities are located in Bulgaria as well as in Italy, Romania and Serbia.



The lithium-Ion business segment operates under the EAS brand and provides cells and systems based on safe and proven LFP chemistry. The adopted cylindrical cells technology and the modular-based packing approach of the battery and systems allows EAS to maintain its attractive product range of High Power (HP) batteries for selected industries such as:

  • public transport
  • commercial fleet
  • construction machines
  • marine
  • harbour
  • and airport operations

August 2020, Monthly Results


In August, 2020 the companies in the economic group of Monbat AD have generated consolidated net sales revenues to the amount of BGN 27 149 thousand which represents an increase of 0.6% compared to the consolidated net sales revenues from continuing operations generated in August, 2019.  

The consolidated data for the first eight months of  2020 shows that the companies in the economic group of Monbat AD have generated consolidated net sales revenues to the amount of BGN 190 080 thousand which represents a decrease by 6.90% compared to the consolidated net sales revenues from continuing operations for the same period of 2019.

The generated net sales revenues from continuing operations for the first eight months of 2020 in the amount of BGN 190 080 thousand are allocated as follows:


Production  BGN  183 649 thousand
Products BGN         826 thousand
Services BGN      2 344 thousand
OthersBGN      3 261 thousand


The generated consolidated result before taxes of the companies in the economic group of Monbat AD for August, 2020 is a profit of BGN 987 thousand, which represents a decrease by 36.70% compared to the consolidated result before taxes  from continuing operations for the same period of 2019.

The consolidated data for the first eight months of  2020 shows that the companies in the economic group of Monbat AD have generated profit before taxes to the amount of BGN 8 169 thousand, which represents a decrease by 17.90% compared to the generated consolidated profit before taxes from continuing operations for same period of 2019.

The consolidated EBITDA of the Group for August 2020 stands at BGN 2 836 thousand which represents a decrease by 6.70% to the consolidated EBITDA from continuing operations for August 2019.

The consolidated data for the first eight months of 2020 show that the companies in the economic group of Monbat AD have generated EBITDA to the amount of BGN 24 338 thousand which represents an increase of 2.80% compared to same period of 2019.



1) Other revenues recognized in the comparable period January-August 2019 are adjusted with BGN 3,894 thousand. The value of the adjustment relates to recorded revenues in connection with fixed assets sold on sale and lease back arrangement, for which after review it has been concluded that the criteria stipulated in IFRS 15 for revenue recognition and respectively write-off of the carrying amount of the sale have not been met.

2) The revenues from sales of production in the comparable period January-August 2019 were adjusted by BGN 450 thousand. The adjustment represents a pro-rata accrual with respect to expected value of annual bonuses for volume discounts related to batteries sold to certain distributors.