Monbat AD Joins Consortium for Battery Innovation (CBI)
Europe’s fourth-largest producer becomes part of the global lead batteries development network
Monbat marks a strong start in 2022, joining the network of Consortium for Battery Innovation (CBI) – an international sectoral organization, uniting 100+ leading companies and research organisations, proactively working on applying state-of-the-art technologies in the field of lead batteries. Main priority in the cooperation will be development of the bipolar technology and further improvement of the battery energy storage systems (BESS).
CBI is the only global pre-competitive research organisation promoting innovation in lead batteries for energy storage, motive and automotive applications, ensuring sustainability in transportation. The network of connected business and research entities covers America, Europe and Asia. It is continuously widening its impact not only geographically but also enriching the nature of their specialization, thus representing the business touchstone for battery business, based on the reliable lead-acid technology.
The main priorities of Monbat in the collaboration with CBI will be the commercialization of the bipolar batteries, deepening the circularity principles’ application in the lead-acid sector and the proactive collaboration with the renewables’ business for increasing the share of BESS in the global energy system. Also, Monbat and CBI will cooperate on the field of research and the solution for reduction of greenhouse gases (GHG), generated in the lead battery production and in the energy sector in general.
More information about the network and activities of CBI is available here.