Notification under Art.148b POSA
According to the requirements of Art. 148b of the Public Offering of Securities Act (POSA) with the present we inform that on 28.06.2022 two notifications for significant shareholding participation in „Monbat“ AD were received, as follows:
• European Bank for Reconstruction and Development and CEECAT Investments Limited notify that on 23.06.2022 both companies have transferred 100% of the membership rights (shares) registered in the Kingdom of the Netherlands Prista Holdco Coöperatief UA (coöperatie met uitgesloten aansprakelijkheidcooperative). Through this transaction European Bank for Reconstruction and Development and CEECAT Investments Limited do not have a direct and indirect shareholding in „Monbat“ AD after the transaction.
• “HOLDCO INVESTMENT” EOOD notifies that on 23.06.2022 it acquired 100% of the membership rights (shares) of the registered in the Kingdom of the Netherlands Prista Holdco Cooperatief UA (co-operation met uitgesloten aansprakelijkheidcooperative). Through this transaction, “HOLDCO INVESTMENT” EOOD acquired an indirect shareholding in „Monbat“ AD in the amount of 20.779% of the capital and voting rights.