Over 70 participants attended the specialized international conference on communications and transport informatics
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September 28th-30th, 2018, Bansko, Bulgaria The International Conference Communications, Electrical Equipment and Informatics in Transport – KEIT 2018 was held between 28th and 30th September with the support of Monbat. The plenary session included more than 70 participants from the country and abroad. More than 50 reports were presented, distributed in four scientific sections, such as power systems and transport facilities; electronics and automation; communication, security and automation systems in transport; guidelines and innovations in transport education.
Radoslav Adreev, product and technology manager, Monbat’s Reserved Power Division presented the topic of Monbat’s high-temperature lead acid batteries, HVR series. The overall production of the stationary batteries of the company, which is a leading manufacturer in the field and a proven supplier for various industries in more than 60 countries, was shown.
During the official opening greetings were presented by Deputy Director of the University of Veliko Turnovo T. Kableshkov prof. dr. Nikolay Georgiev, prof. dr. Maria Malenkovska from the University of Bitola, Macedonia, prof. dr. Jeliko Hedricik from Joseph Szczepmaier University in Osijek, Croatia and Professor Florin Nemtan of the Polytechnic University of Bucharest, Romania.
This is the fourth edition of the scientific conference organized by the Faculty of Communications and Electrical Equipment in Transport of Todor Kableshkov University of Transport. The conference was held with the financial support of VTU and sponsored by Monbat Economic Group. The event was attended by representatives of the business, Metropolitan Electric Transport, BDZ Security, Metropolitan AD and other partners of the university.