BGN 2.9 0 %
Data delayed at least 60 minutes as 2024-09-12

Monbat Group provides a wide range of battery products and solutions for a variety of end-market applications

Public Transportation
Public Transportation
Renewable sources
Renewable sources


Explore our portfolio

The lead acid battery business focuses on the production of lead-acid automotive and stationary batteries and their servicing. The products in this segment can be divided into the following main groups:

  • starter batteries
  • stationary batteries
  • deep cycle batteries
  • special batteries
  • locomotives batteries
  • leisure batteries


RECYCLING contacts

The division operates in recycling and trading activities of

  • lead acid scrap batteries
  • lead alloys
  • polyethylene and polypropylene materials

Recycling facilities are located in Bulgaria as well as in Italy, Romania and Serbia.



The lithium-Ion business segment operates under the EAS brand and provides cells and systems based on safe and proven LFP chemistry. The adopted cylindrical cells technology and the modular-based packing approach of the battery and systems allows EAS to maintain its attractive product range of High Power (HP) batteries for selected industries such as:

  • public transport
  • commercial fleet
  • construction machines
  • marine
  • harbour
  • and airport operations

Sustainability Actions

The understanding of the corporate board of Monbat for sustainability is a core principle integrated within the company’s structure and in its corporate values – drive to outperform, agility, quality, integrity. The company’s commitment to sustainability embraces three major areas – business, people and the environment.


Monbat’s internal corporate value system drives all business relations. Core principles of the Group’s business sustainability are:

Identification of the key stakeholder groups

The Corporate board of Monbat ensures effective interaction with the company’s stakeholders. This category includes certain interested parties who are directly influenced by the company and who are in a position to influence the company themselves. Monbat identifies as stakeholders, interested in its activities, all persons/entities which are interested in the economic prosperity of the company: investors (shareholders and bondholders), workers and employees, suppliers, customers and distributors, creditors, and other contracting parties, local communities and other interested parties

Monbat’s scope of activity 

Continuous application of flexible and innovative solutions in each particular area.
This includes processes from due diligence of suppliers, through Innovation center, focusing on expanding the depth of recycling and reducing waste materials.
Monbat integrates recycling and processing into the production cycles in order to assure a sustainable and integrated business model.
The flexible and online-based internal processes within the group reduce the transportation costs and the group’s waste footprint.

High Standard Quality

Permanent adherence to high standards for environmental protection and production safety, certified by leading international benchmarks.



Our commitment to sustainable development of the Monbat Economic Group means we do not focus exclusively on the personnel, but we also extend our scope to the wider Bulgarian public.

Monbat’s dedication to discovering, defining and growing potential is also matched by the group’s corporate citizenship programs that fall into the following areas:


The Economic Group invests in activities that target pollution prevention or its reduction, aiming at a maximum impact on human health and environmental protection.

One of the most recognizable evidences of our commitment to a sustainable environment is the existence of our four recycling facilities. These contribute towards a sustainable management of resources and a reduced environmental footprint.

Sustainable environment solutions of Monbat include:

The establishment and operation of an internal control system is designed to achieve continuous compliance with the environmental, health and safety regulations on the basis of the Integrated Management System. The self-control system evaluates the efficiency and effectiveness of the management system and the operations of Monbat in general.

As a natural part of its risk management, Monbat has developed an emergency plan to alleviate the consequences of disasters and accidents. Pursuant to the requirements of the Law on Health and Safe Labor Conditions, and the respective subordinate legislation, and the Disaster Protection Act, this plan aims at preparing on-site personnel for action. It also seeks to guarantee a proper notification process and procedure for enforcing relevant rescue and emergency recovery activities at the location concerned and applying necessary measures to secure the rehabilitation of the environment.

Old batteries are responsible for widespread harmful waste, hence the company significantly contributes to environmental protection by collecting, neutralizing and recycling such batteries.

The environment-related management system is certified with ISO 14001 – a standard that focuses on the delicate balance between maintaining efficiency and reducing environmental impact by engaging all levels of the organization to achieve both objectives.


On the grounds of Article 95, Paragraph 1 of the Environmental Protection Law,

We, MONBAT AD, with an address of registration: Sofia, 32A Cherni vrah Blvd., and address of correspondence: Montana, 76 Industrialna Str.


all concerned individuals and legal entities about the following investment proposal:

Increasing the amount for preliminary storage of the following waste generated on the site from the activities of MONBAT AD:

  • Waste with code 10 10 11* and name – other dust particles containing hazardous substances /lead clippings and ears/ of the Installation for lead-acid rechargeable batteries from 5900 t/y to 7200 t/y;
  • Waste with code 15 02 02* and name – absorbents, filter materials /including oil filters, not elsewhere specified/, wipes, protective clothing contaminated with hazardous substances from 4 t/y to 6 t/y.

Everyone who wants to share an opinion or make a statement can do it in written form at the Montana Municipality, Regional Inspectorate for Environment and Water (RIEW) in Montana, 4 Julius Irasec Str., fl.3

Contact person: eng. Svetlana Trifonova – Environmental Director, email:

The Notice was published on 13.08.2021


On the grounds of Article 95, Paragraph 1 of the Environmental Protection Law,

We, MONBAT RECYCLING EAD, with an address of registration: Sofia, 32A Cherni vrah Blvd., and address of correspondence: Montana, 76 Industrialna Str.


all concerned individuals and legal entities about the following investment proposal mounting of “System for reducing the concentration of chemical agents in the air of the working enviroment”

 Everyone who wants to share an opinion or make a statement can do it in written form at the Montana Municipality, Regional Inspectorate for Environment and Water (RIEW) in Montana, 4 Julius Irasec Str., fl.3

Contact person: D. Tsekova – ecologist, email:

The Notice was published on 30.07.2021

Sofia, March 16, 2021

On March 16th 2021, Monbat AD launched its own program for liquidating the consequences of the unscrupulous management of polyethylene separator, handed over to contracted third-party companies, licensed by the MoEW, obliged to perform reliable storage and/or recovery of final industrial waste. The program will be implemented according to a signed memorandum with MoEW and to the regulations of Art. 7, para. 2 of the Waste Management Act (WMA) as a manifestation of constructive responsibility for the complete reverse treatment of the  end-waste from the recycling activities of the Monbat Group.

Monbat and its subsidiaries: Monbat Recycling EAD, S.C. MONBAT RECYCLING S.R.L. – Romania and MONBAT PLC d.o.o. – Serbia, commit themselves to a clearly defined plan-schedule for reverse treatment of 3590 metric tons (MT) of  production end-waste – polyethylene separator. The first step of the program includes the withdrawal of 369 MT of polyethylene separator of unknown origin and generator, from the Lakata area, in the land of the town of Cherven Bryag. This procedure will be carried out by order and under the control of RIEW-Montana.


On the grounds of Article 95, Paragraph 1 of the Environmental Protection Law,

We, MONBAT RECYCLING EAD, with address of registration: Sofia, 32A Cherni vrah Blvd., and address for correspondence: Montana, 76 Industrialna Str.


all concerned individuals and legal entities about the following investment proposal “Installation for pre-treatment by physical methods of PE-separator and production of ABS grinds”

 Everyone who wants to share an opinion or to make a statement can do it in written form at the Montana Municipality, Regional Inspectorate for Environment and Water (RIEW) in Montana, 4 Julius Irasec Str., fl.3

Contact person for Monbat:  Bogdana Ivanova – Ecologist, email:

The note has been published on 04.03.2021

On the grounds of Art. 95, Par. 1 of the Environment Protection Law and Art. 4, Par. 2 of the Regulation of the conditions and order for evaluating the effect on the environment (State Paper issue 25/2003, with amendments and additions), Monbat Recycling Ltd.

to the interested persons and public of the availability of an investment intention (II) provided for ‘Construction of a lead refining plant”.

The investment intention is provided for constructing a lead refining installation in which, following a technological process, will produce refinery lead, antimony (metal) and lead-tin alloy. The installation will be positioned in an existing building in a property with ID 72624.603.196 in the town of Dobrich, Dobrich Municipality, Dobrich Region. Consignor is Monbat Recycling Ltd. The Notice is available at RIOEW – Varna. Please, send any written statements and opinions at postal address and/or e-mail: 3400 Montana, 76, Industrialna Str., and at RIOEW – Varna at 4, Yan Palah Str., as well as Dobrich Municipality.


Based on Article 95, Paragraph 1 from the Environmental Protection Law

 WE, START JSC with an address of registration at: Sofia, 32A Cherni Vrah Blvd., and address for correspondence: Dobrich 9300, 20 Sveshtenik Pavel Atanasov Street, BULSTAT UIC 124712007 represented by the Executive Director Zh.Zhelyazkov


all concerned individuals and legal entities about the following investment proposal:

• purchasing and installation of 1 pc ConRoll equipment for continuous casting of positive grids for batteries and a pot altogether with 2 (two) gas burners with exhaust device D61 and D62.
• purchasing and installation of purification device at the Gravity Casting Machines and ConRoll

The equipment will be installed in the existing factory premises at Start Battery Plant situated in Dobrich 9300, Bulgaria.

Everybody who wants to share an opinion or make a statement can do it in written form at the Dobrich Municipality, Regional Inspectorate for Environment and Water (RIEW) in Varna, 4 Yan Palah Street.

Contact person: R. Topalova – ecologist: phone: 00359878401378


Based on Article 95, Paragraph 1 from the Environmental Protection Law

WE, START JSC with address of registration at: Sofia, 32A Cherni Vrah Blvd., and address for correspondence: Dobrich 9300, 20 Sveshtenik Pavel Atanasov Street, BULSTAT UIC 124712007 represented by the Executive Director Mr Zh.Zhelyazkov


all concerned individuals and legal entities about the following investment proposal:

• purchasing and installation of  8 (eight) pc gas burners withexhaust devicesD31, D32,D72, D73, D74, D75, D76 and D77 for curing chambers.

The equipment will be installed in the existing factory premises at Start Battery Plant situated in Dobrich 9300, Bulgaria.

Everybody who wants to share an opinion or make a statement, can do it in written form at the Dobrich Municipality, Regional Inspectorate for Environment and Water (RIEW) in Varna, 4 Yan Palah Street.

Contact person: R. Topalova – ecologist: phone: 00359878401378


On the grounds of Article 95, Paragraph 1 of the Environmental Protection Law, 

We, ART MONBAT AD, with an address of registration: Sofia, 32A Cherni vrah Blvd., and address of correspondence: Sofia, 32A Cherni vrah Blvd


all concerned individuals and legal entities about the following investment proposal “Building production of nano-structured carbon additives /CNT/”

Everyone who wants to share an opinion or make a statement can do so in written form at the Vratsa Municipality, Regional Inspectorate for Environment and Water (RIEW) in Vratsa, 81 Ekzarh Yosif Str.

Contact person: Dimitar Georgiev – Executive Director, e-mail:

The Notice was published on 09.03.2020


On the grounds of Article 95, Paragraph 1 of the Environmental Protection Law, 

We, „MONBAT N B P“ EAD, with an address of registration: Sofia, 32A Cherni vrah Blvd., and address of correspondence: Montana, 76 Industrialna Str


all concerned individuals and legal entities about the following investment proposal

“Building production of bipolar lead acid batteries”

Everyone who wants to share an opinion or make a statement can do so in written form at the Vratsa Municipality, Regional Inspectorate for Environment and Water (RIEW) in Vratsa, 81 Ekzarh Iosif Str.

Contact person: Stanislav Zhelyazkov – Member of The Board of the Directors, e-mail:

The Notice was published on 09.03.2020


On the grounds of Article 95, Paragraph 1 of the Environmental Protection Law,

We, Monbat AD, with an address of registration: Sofia,  32A Cherni vrah Blvd., and address of correspondence: Montana, 76 Industrialna Str.


all concerned individuals and legal entities about the following investment proposal “Update in parameters of Investment proposal, for which a Decision  No.MO 1-7/2018 has been issued”

Everyone who wants to share an opinion or make a statement can do it in written form at the Montana Municipality, Regional Inspectorate for Environment and Water (RIEW) in Montana, 4 Julius Irasec Str., fl.3

Contact person for Monbat: B. Ivanova – ecologist,

The Notice was published on 22.07.2019

to whom it may concern and society

Based on article 4 (2) of The Regulation on the Terms and Conditions for Performing Environmental Impact Assessments (EIA Regulation, SG no.25/2003, amend. and ext.)

“Monbat Recycling” JSC

with management address and contact:

32A Cherni vrach Blvd., fl. 4, 1407 Sofia, Bulgaria

Phone: +359 2 962 11 50;     Fax: +359 2 962 11 46



the affected population that it has an investment proposal to build:


in a landed property with a cadastral map identifier and a register of Pleven municipality 56722.652.738, with an address in urban area: Pleven, municipality of Pleven, Pleven region, 33 Vtora zadgarova str., which is designated for: other production and storage activities and annual capacity up to 3 500 t/year.

The processing will result in the following products:

– synthetic amorphous silica;

– plastics from battery boxes;

– energy waste from plastics.

Contact: Serzho Zhekov,

    Address: 7 Dospat str., fl.3, ap.9, 1606 Sofia, Bulgaria

    Phone: +359 888 929 388


Written stands and opinions shall be adopted at RIEW, Pleven 5800, 1a Al. Stamboliyski str., e-mail:


  1. Information under art. 4 (3) of the EIA Regulation


On the grounds of Article 95, Paragraph 1 of the Environmental Protection Law,

We, MONBAT RECYCLING EAD, with an address of registration: Sofia, 32A Cherni vrah Blvd., and address of correspondence: Montana, 76 Industrialna Str.


all concerned individuals and legal entities about the following investment proposal “Warehouse for incombustible materials”

Everyone who wants to share an opinion or make a statement can do it in written form at the Montana Municipality, Regional Inspectorate for Environment and Water (RIEW) in Montana, 4 Julius Irasec Str., fl.3

Contact person for Monbat: D. Tsekova – ecologist, email:

MONBAT AD, 32А „Cherni Vrah“ blvd, fl. 4, 1407 Sofia Bulgaria, on the grounds of Art. 97 (4) in relation to Art. 81 (1) 2. of the Environmental Protection Act, ANNOUNCES to all interested individuals and legal entities there shall be a meeting for a public discussion of the Environmental Impact Assessment Report (EIA) and EIA Addendum for the investment proposal:«Complex project for investment initiative for modernisation of lead-acid batteries production installation /LABPI/ and battery recycling installation /BRI/» in «MONBAT» AD, Montana production site.

The meeting will take place on 09.10.2018 at 11am. in Montana Municipality building, 1 “Izvora“ Str.

EIA Report and EIA Addendum are available to all interested parties every day from 9am to 5pm at Montana Municipality, 1 “Izvora” Str. and RIEW Montana, Montana, 4 “Julius Irasek” str.

Written statements can be submitted to Montana Municipality and RIEW – Montana to the addresses above or presented to the public discussion meeting.

For the public discussion on the side of the contracting authority please contact:

Mrs. Bogdana Ivanova, tel. 096 / 393 101, 096 / 393 189; GSM: 0886 / 430 414, Е-mail: or